Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Should I Trim an Essay For a Writing Sample?

Should I Trim an Essay For a Writing Sample?I've just found out that you should trim an essay for a writing sample. This is really great news for me and I'm really excited to find out what it means. If you're wondering how to trim an essay for a writing sample, this is the article for you. I'll explain the process and show you exactly how to change your essay without having to actually re-do the whole thing.The first thing that you need to understand is that when you write your own essay, you have very little control over what happens to it. You just go in with the mindset of going through the entire project yourself and your confidence can do all the work for you. But when you use a writing sample, you don't have this luxury.When you get a job interview, you just don't have the time to look at an essay and make notes on it as you did the last time you were in college. These days, it's usually impossible to be able to write anything in an hour or two.Because of this, you can't really 'cut' a paper in half to fit into a job interview. I think you're still willing to trim an essay for a writing sample because you're not willing to completely change it.When a potential employer reads your work, they are looking for some specific things. You need to be able to write about topics that you know something about, make connections between topics, and make sure that your essay makes sense. All of these factors come into play in a job interview and if you can't accomplish any of them well enough to pass the test, you may be out of luck.When you're trimming an essay for a writing sample, you need to make sure that you're not using anything more than a reasonable version of it. It's the writing sample that needs to be changed, not the essay. Just make sure that you're not using a story that you've put together or two that you took from an online source.I should also mention that you shouldn't start by changing the order of the paragraphs. Most people who change the order of their paragraphs will find that their essay is not coherent anymore. By starting with the paragraphs first, you force yourself to write coherently and keep the order consistent throughout.Before you get too worked up over what you should trim an essay for a writing sample, just remember that everything depends on you. You have all the control, so if you want to cut things, don't let your fear of what your potential employer might think get in the way. Go ahead and trim your essay for a writing sample the way you want to!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Cognitive Development Essays (1105 words) - Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Development Cognitive development is very crucial in the development of a child. A friend of mine, Julie just recently had a perfect baby boy. Since Julie found out she was pregnant she has been reading book after book, each book that she has read talks about cognitive development, but never really explains what cognitive development is or how to improve ones development. Julie has asked me to help her to understand what she can do to give Hunter the best optimal cognitive development though out his life. I'm going to start by telling Julie exactly what cognitive development is, the four stages of cognitive development and what kinds of activities to do together as he gets older. I believe that this will help Hunter develop into a very smart child he most likely will be ahead of his classmate's in school and will excel through out his life. Cognitive development is the growth in children's ways of thinking about and interacting with their environment. Young children initially learn about the world through active, physical exploration and then gradually develop the ability to think symbolically and logically about their experiences. Children are curious explorers, and their cognitive development involves learning new concepts and testing a variety of ideas. A biologist, known as Piaget was interested in how an organism adapted to their environment, especially behavior adaptation to the environment. Piaget hypothesized that infants are born with schemes operating at birth that he called reflexes. However, in human beings an infant uses these reflexes to adapt to the environment, these reflexes are quickly replaced with constructed schemes. Piaget described two processes used by the individual in its attempt to adapt: assimilation and accommodation. Both of these processes are used though out life as the person increasingly adapts to the environment in a more complex manner. Assimilation is the process of using the environment so that it can be placed in cognitive structures. Accommodation is the process of changing cognitive structures in order to accept something from the environment. Both processes are used simultaneously and alternately throughout life. In his work Piaget identified the child's four stages of mental growth. In the sen sorimotor stage, occurring from birth to age 2, the child is concerned with gaining motor control and learning about physical objects. In the preoperational stage, from ages 2 to 7, the child is preoccupied with verbal skills. At this point the child can name objects and reason intuitively. In the concrete operational stage, from ages 7 to 12, the child begins to deal with abstract concepts such as numbers and relationships. Finally, in the formal operational stage, ages 12 to 15, the child begins to reason logically and systematically. All of these four stages are very important to the developmental growth of a child. There are many exercises and games that you or your spouse can do with your child to improve the cognitive development of children. Smells: Infant Activity (up to 15 months) Save old spices containers with shaker tops and put a variety of smelly materials into these. Break up pieces of orange peel, save some whole cloves, soak a cotton ball in perfume, and break up some onion or garlic. Put each smell item in a separate container. Label each and talk about the type of smell. Be sure to name each object several times and encourage infants to try to vocalize sounds. Model smelling the different containers and encourage infants to try to smell each container. Let them explore the containers by touching and manipulating them. Oh, smell this one. This is an orange peel. It smells fruity! This perfume has a strong smell. Do you smell it? It smells like a flower. This is an onion. It has a really strong smell. It makes my eyes water. This activity also helps children develop communication skills in receptive language and perceptual motor skills in eye-hand coordination. Buried Treasure: Toddler Activity (15 months to 3 years) Fill a large plastic tub with sand. Add shells, plastic eggs, wooden cubes, large plastic keys, and wooden animal figures. Provide a muffin tin to hold items after they are found. Let children take turns hunting through the sand to find the treasure and then place it